Body in Action



Spanish for all
A course designed to use and improve your skills in Spanish for basic communication situations.
When: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd March 2015 (10-13h)
Where: Amerlinghaus. Stiftgasse 8. 1070. Wien
Costs: 100 €* (50 € payment in advance for reservation)
LIMITED PLACES!! Reservation before 24th of February 2015 and Info... send us an e-mail!
*The participation fee is for cost recovery of the course (room, organisation and facilitation) and is lower if there are more participants (from 10 participants on: 70 €)
KEY WORDS: Spanish as a foreign language; Diversity; Communication; Inclusion; Cooperation, Collective Learning.
This course is centered on the aspect of communication when learning a foreign language. As such, communicative competencies are given priority over formal ones (such as grammar and phonology): ‘We are interested in communication between people; the formal aspects of a language can be acquired gradually through communicative exchanges’.
Therefore, in this intensive course (4 blocks-3 hours each) we would like to present the possibility of experiencing communicative exchanges, which connect us with ourselves, with our emotions, our experiences and our needs.
Additionally, we will encourage exploring and using self-teaching resources in order to be able to continue learning by oneself after the course.
At the basis of our pedagogical proposal is facilitating the association of a pleasurable experience (a relaxed atmosphere, lack of stress, exploring without judgment and without pressure) with the learning process (in this case, learning Spanish as a foreign language). We will learn for the pleasure of learning.
This course will foster, on the one hand, the development of personal communicative-linguistic and affective-emotional skills when learning a language, and, on the other, group processes for cooperation and collective learning. These processes are developed through group and body dynamics (play-acting) as well as through the creation of an environment that is relaxed (no demands) and is respectful of each participant’s characteristics, communicative-linguistic competencies in Spanish and communication and learning needs.
Those of us facilitating the course will work from an inclusive perspective (enabling access, active participation and learning for all persons involved), which will include becoming aware of the diversity present in the group, and working from/with it as an added value to enrich the group while respecting the needs and characteristics of the group’s participants (collective learning).
Basic communications strategies (verbal & non-verbal) for expression and understanding. Linguistic competencies associated with affective-emotional needs.
Communicative and linguistic abilities in Spanish — adapted to the participants’ linguistic competencies.
Processes for group cohesion and cooperation: active listening, mutual knowledge, trust, respect and valuing the group’s linguistic and cultural diversity.
Communicative approach in the process of teaching/learning Spanish.
Inclusive methodology: adapting the environment (creating support and flexibility) in order to facilitate access, participation and learning of all participating persons.
Use of acting techniques, group dynamics and other material & resources as tools for learning communicative-linguistic skills in Spanish.