Szeno-Forum: Excluded voices / Voces exluidas / Ausgeschlossenen Stimmen

Szeno-Forum by the group Improductivos on Diversity and Coexistence. Moderated by Improspañol and Artkolè Association.
Thursday 23 June, at 7:30 pm. Amerlinghaus courtyard. Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna.
An open performance on diversity and coexistence, a collective thought process stemming from the body and in constant movement. An opportunity to function in our reality. A work in progress by the group IMPRODUCTIVOS.
SZENO FORUM: Excluded Voices //
Voces excluidas // Ausgeschlossene Stimmen
Are there really persons without a voice or is it simply that we are not interested in listening to them?
Where are the barriers that make it harder for people to access and be a part of a community life?
Are these barriers visible to all?
Why is there an interest in silencing the spaces where citizen participation and community cultural development take place?
Diversity is a feature of Nature itself. Human beings are eco-dependent and dependent on one another. As social beings, we need to feel included. Is this possible to accomplish in the social system that we currently live in?
We, Improductivos, ask ourselves: ‘what makes me valuable to society? What is necessary for a person to feel included? How do we visualize the barriers that prevent us from participating in a social life? Where do we allocate responsibilities?’
Every person has a story to tell. In every story, the person who tells it is the main character. We are the main character of our own lives and supporting actors in the lives of others.
Within the project "Walking towards social inclusion", the month of June is dedicated to `collective resources´ and alternatives for coexistence.
The theatre group IMPRODUCTIVOS will create the space for an aesthetic dialogue between the performance and the audience. We will present a collective process of research and creation, a personal experience of discovery and of aesthetic commitment in which the viewers will participate in the creation.